Forensic Medicine Unit
Heraklion University Hospital

26 Sept - 1 Oct 2022
the FMU hosts the FASE Basic Course and Symposium for the European Forensic Anthropology Society

28 September 2019
the Unit of forensics organizes th 2nd Forensic Medicine Conference

Education / Specialty in Forensic Medicine

Based on the recent decree Γ5α/Γ.Π.Oικ. 64843 (Government Gazzette, number 4138 of 20/9/2018) the duration of training in Forensic Medicine is five (5) years:
  • Basic education (1 year): Histopathology (1st year of specialty compulsory)
  • Special education (4 years)
    • Four (4) months Psychiatry
    • Four (4) months Pathology
    • Four (4) months General surgery or Orthopedics
    • Three (3) years Forensic Medicine
Forensic Medicine Unit of the University of Crete offers 3 specialty positions up to 3 years.

Qualifications Required
  • All prerequisites for starting a medical specialty in Greece.
  • It is desirable to complete the first year of training in Histopathology.
  • Good knowledge on Anatomy.
  • Excellent knowledge of English.
  • Driving license.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Participation in the academic activities of the Unit.
Those who are interested are encouraged to contact the Forensic Unit for further information.

developed by Kalohr
December 2019